Power to Pin

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If your junior loves golf and fun competition, then Power to Pin is perfect for them! There will be three divisions based off of age and scoring will be as follows: (Please see below) - Each participant will attempt 3 drives down a 40-yard wide fairway. Drives must finish in the fairway to score points. - Each participant will attempt 3 chips at the hole (distance will vary). Chips will be measured from the front of the hole with a tape measure and points will be awarded by distance to the hole. - Each participant will attempt one putt from 6', 12' and 24'. Putts will be measured from the front of the hole with a tape measure and points will be awarded by distance to the hole. Saturdays from 11:30am to 12:30pm. Starts April 5th Ends May 24th o Woods Division – ages 7-9 o Nicklaus Division – ages 10-12 o Palmer Division – ages 13-15 - $25/player entry
Power to Pin Dates