Junior Academy

Event Image
This program is designed to help new junior golfers under the age of 16 learn the game of golf, however we recommend it for ages 6-13. Each week will cover a main topic rotating through full swing, short game, and putting. A skills checklist will be given to each student so they can monitor their progress, and once completed, they are able to graduate into Summer Camp and the Operation 36 program. Each student will be taught proper practice habits to ensure they retain the information learned and enhance their ability from class to class. Classes are scheduled weekly from April through the end of October. Parents can register their junior by simply selecting their preferred Thursday or Saturday of class through USchedule's online platform. Class Options. Single drop in - $25 Golf Clubs are provided but if you have your own clubs, please bring them along.
Clinic Details


Thursday, September 18th, 2025


4:30 PM - 5:30 PM


Compass Pointe Golf Courses

Presented By

Brian Walter

Bob Alley

Stephen Herschel

$25.00 per person