White Mountain Junior Golf League

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This is for the White Mountain Junior Golf League run by Kurt Uniek, PGA. I see this League as a way to get your Junior golfer on the course another six times during the summer. You CAN do BOTH the George Dunne league and this one as the dates will not overlap. I think this would be a great way to get some of the High school girls some experience on a golf course they are going to play during their High School season. The only prerequisite I see for this league is your Junior golfer should have the ability to walk 9-holes and play par 3 holes in around six shots. The format for the league will be: - play as an individual, (no team concept) - six shot max per hole on par 3's - eight shot max per hole on par 4's - start times will be tee times (no shotgun start) - divide kids into age groups and hand out trophies to the winners After I tee off all the kids I will spend time on the course with as many groups as I can to offer some assistance/instruction.
White Mountain Junior Golf League Dates