Need a tune-up or feel stuck with your game? Join us for a golf clinic during Rock The Range, where you can fine-tune your skills while enjoying music. Tune Up Thursday's is a fun, interactive clinic for adults of all abilities. Each week will be focused on the golf setup and swing and include fun Top Tracer games and drills on the range. Demo clubs will be available to try out during the clinic.
Thursday 5:30 to 7:00pm during Rock The Range
Includes 1 ½ hours of instruction, range balls, Toptracer, and a drink of choice
10 person max per clinic, registration is available two weeks in advance up to three hours before the clinic.
Cost: $45 per person
Tune Up Thursday clinic Dates
Tune Up Thursday clinic
Thursday March 13, 2025 from 5:30 PM until 7:00 PM