The Elite Junior Development Program is a long term package designed for passionate middle and high school students. These young aspiring athletes will be put on a program that will develop their own biomechanics to get the best out of their game. These lessons include an initial assessment, continuous lessons focused on all parts of the game, on course playing lessons, and one full bag fitting.
This unit represents the entire Elite Junior Program package. In this package you will find credits for:
25 - 1 Hour Lessons. Please meet in front of the Performance Center next to the "Wait Here" sign 10 minutes prior to the scheduled lesson unless told to meet else where.
10 - 2 Hour Playing Lessons. For these lessons please meet in front of the golf shop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled lesson.
1 Full Bag Fitting. Please meet in front of the Performance Center next to the "Wait Here" sign 10 minutes prior to the scheduled fitting.
Coach Access to the student's Game Forge statistics.
***A year subscription to Game Forge is necessary to take complete advantage of this program. This is done on your own, price is not included in the Elite Junior Development Program ($100 / year subscription)***