Pre-Paid Servicess

New Student Assessment with Jane Frost
One Hour Private Lesson with Nick Wiseman
Two Hour Playing Lesson with Nick Wiseman
3 - One Hour Lessons with Nick Wiseman
12 - One Hour Lessons with Nick Wiseman
24 - One Hour Lessons with Nick Wiseman
50 - One Hour Lessons with Nick Wiseman
3 - One Hour Virtual Lessons with Nick Wiseman
12 - One Hour Virtual Lessons with Nick Wiseman
24 - One Hour Virtual Lessons with Nick Wiseman
Package of 3 Locker Videos with Nick Wiseman
Package of 6 Locker Videos with Nick Wiseman
Package of 10 Locker Videos with Nick Wiseman
3 - One Hour Lessons with Kevin Eosco
6 - One Hour Private Lessons with Kevin Eosco