This Women Only Program is a great way to be introduced to the great game of golf.
Classes are designed to teach Newer Golfers how to Putt; Chip; Make golf swings, Speak golf and how to get onto the golf course. All sessions are held in a small, safe and fun environment!
This 4-week program meets on Mondays from 5:30 – 7:00. This is where some of those great relationships happen that open the doors for further business prospects to be built or family ties strengthened.
PGA Professional Kevin Eosco teaches each class, and the theme of the class will be rotating every week. Topics Include: What’s in the Bag; Etiquette; Full Swing; Short Game and MORE! Key emphasis is on having FUN!
Cost: $225
6 hours of Instruction
All Learning Materials
Newest Technology
Golf Club Rental
Welcome Kit PLUS receive Loyalty Discounts for any equipment purchased from The Jane Frost Golf Performance Center
CANCELLATION POLICY FOR GOLF SCHOOL EVENTSMinimum of 2 Participants with a Maximum of 4.All programs must be paid in full at the time of booking.Refund Policy: 21 Days or more – 100% 14 –20 days – 75% 7-13 days – 50% Less than 7: 0 %Any program that is cancelled due to inclement weather and can’t be rescheduled will be given a 100% refundCANCELLATION POLICY for PRIVATE; SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS and SPECIALTY PROGRAMSI require 48 hour notice for all cancellations or postponements. If less than 48 hour notice is given and I am unable to fill the time slot then you are responsible for payment of that time, either as part of your series or as a separate charge.Personal / family health concerns or emergencies are always an acceptable reason for late cancellations or no shows and will not result in a loss / charge of a lesson. If there is a business emergency, i.e. last minute meeting or schedule change, and I am unable to fill the time, then you will be responsible for payment of that appointment. If you simply miss an appointment due to confusion about the date or time, then you are once again responsible for payment of that appointment.Should you arrive late for a lesson; the lesson will not be extended to accommodate the tardiness.Rain Policy:
It is my belief that you, the student, are in control of making this decision. As long as you feel comfortable in the conditions and feel that you are getting value for your time / money, then I am happy to go out in almost any kind of weather...except lightning. This decision MUST be made based on the current weather conditions at Sandwich Hollows, not a forecast or conditions elsewhere. When at all possible, my preference would be to go forward with the lesson as rescheduling a lesson time is limited due to our short season in New England. I will plan on making a decision no more than an hour before our scheduled time. Please give me a call at 508-367-4030 to determine a go / no go situation. No refund for cancellations within 7 days. (4/7/2025) Partial refund of $112.50 for cancellations within 14 days. (3/31/2025)