Golf 101 Beginner Series

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The JLGolf 101 Beginner Clinic Series is designed to teach golfers to play the game from a hole out perspective. The ideal program for beginners looking to learn the game for corporate golf, retirement golf or just golf with friends &/or family, this program is for you! Learn the fundamentals and knowledge needed to start playing the game from the rules, etiquette, and proper terminology, etc. Great for 100% beginners or just "putt putt" golfers. Find out what to wear, what goes in your golf bag, what each club does, what to do when you arrive to a course, learn a short game, etiquette on a green, and so much more! Fundamentals will be introduced and taught with an approach that will stay with you as you progress. JLGolf 101 Notebook, JLGolf gear & more included Max class size is *6 Class #1 - Golf Posture, putting grip, putting and green reading 101 Class #2 - Grip, Chipping 101 and intro to pitch shot Class #3 - Pitch Shot and full Swing with irons and drivers Class #4 - Full swing review and on-course intro (2 hour final class)
Golf 101 Beginner Series Dates