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2025 Winter Discovery Golf Academy (Ages 4 - 6)

Golfers Ages 4-6 years old, Discovery Golf Academy is 8 weeks long. Each class is 1 hour long. Theses young golfers will learn the 3 swings Full Swing, Putt-Chip, and Putting. Plus, they will have an opportunity to play the course twice to demonstrate their newly learned golf skills. There will also be teachable moments to talk about rules, etiquette and responsibilities as a golfer. This academy is designed to get the kids 'fired up for golf.' $275 per golfer

2025 Spring Break Discovery Camp (Ages 4 - 6)

Geared towards 4-6 year old, this camp is designed to introduce the skills and knowledge to play golf, plus create some excitement towards game as well. Camp consists of an introduction to the game of golf, including basic rules, etiquette and swing fundamentals. Students will use the driving range, short game area and putting course each day. Please bring a snack and water bottle. Camp is from 1:00pm to 2:30pm, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Cost is $150