Book a Tee Time

February 2025 Team Scramble in Indian Trail

Registration for this event was closed on 2/20/2025.
Event Description
**FORMAT** Team scramble for 18 holes Teams of 4 golfers One team in each bay Prizes for the winners **SCHEDULE** 6:15 pm: arrive and warm up 6:30 pm: tee off 9:00 pm: wrap up and tally scores **ENTRY** $25 per person **TERMS AND CONDITIONS** Tickets must be prepaid. If you'd like to play with a friend, tell us ahead of time to build your team. If teammates are late, the team will begin and play for the golfer until they can arrive. All the same facility rules and terms of reservations apply.
Event Details


Thursday, February 20th, 2025


6:30 PM - 9:00 PM


Indian Trail - Tempo Golf Club

$25.00 per person
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