PGA TOUR Golf Academy is looking for 12 players ages 7-17 with some course knowledge and experience playing on the course. The league will start in August and end in October. Match schedule is not set until registration is complete, but will most likely be on Sundays. Our PGA Jr. League Players Receive Coaching and Guidance From PGA & LPGA Professional instruction staff at the PGA TOUR Golf Academy. We will have both home and away matches. Cost of the league is $300.00 per junior golfer. The fee includes all matches, green fees, and instruction. BASICS: 9-hole matches consisting of three separate 3-hole “Flags” that are contested using match play. The format is a two-person Scramble. Participation in all matches is NOT required to be part of the team. Match & Practice Schedule: Nine organized Team Practice Sessions are included in the Registration Fee. Practice sessions will be determined by team input. PGA TOUR Golf Academy PGA Jr. League Registration includes: > 9 practice sessions (1.5 hours each) > 5 matches > PGA TOUR Golf Academy team gift > End of season team celebration at the PGA TOUR Golf Academy *NOT Included in price is a mandatory $75 league fee which is paid directly to the PGA of America PGA Jr. League. More details will be provided by your lead instructor prior to start of league practice. Fee includes players kit with jersey, golf balls, cinch pack and bag tag.

PGA Junior League Spring Season Dates

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