X-Golf Cedar Rapids

The Home of Indoor Golf™

Cedar Rapids X-Cup Holiday Scramble

Registration for this event was closed on 11/27/2023.
Event Image
Tuesday, November 28th 6pm. $100 Per Team* 18 Hole 2 Player Scramble 1st Place: $400 ($200 each) Prizes for Longest Putt, Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin. Scores will be submitted to the national for a chance at the grand prize to Innisbrook! *Peak X & X-League Membership Members: Your membership includes free registration to this event. *Weekday Membership Members & League Members registration is $37.50. *Member's Email events@xgolfcr.com to register to get special pricing.
Event Details


Tuesday, November 28th, 2023


6:00 PM - 10:00 PM


X-Golf Cedar Rapids

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