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Adult Beginner

Adult Beginner Class includes 5 one hour sessions meeting once a week for five weeks. Class covers: introduction to golf etiquette, fundamentals of the full swing, putting, chipping and the rules of golf. Cost is $140 per student. This is a great introduction to a game you can play for a lifetime.

Adult Intermediate

Adult Intermediate Class includes 5 one hour sessions meeting once a week for five weeks. Class covers in detail the full swing, short game and proper practice. Cost is $140 per student, with a maximum of 8 students. This is an ideal transition from the beginner class and prepares golfers to head to the course.

Summer Junior Camp, ages 9-13

- Junior golfers will learn the fundamentals of the full swing, short game and golf rules and etiquette. - Junior golfers will practice together in a group setting with a team of coaches at the Miles of Golf driving range and practice facility. - Sessions will be 2 hours long and meet Tuesday through Friday. - There will be a limit of 14 students per class, 7:1 student to coach ratio