Lyman Orchards plays host to the largest ladies league group in the State of Connecticut with 330 participants in 2024. Due to the massive growth we have started a "spin off" league that meets on Monday mornings and Monday afternoons.
WHAT TO KNOW: Skill levels range from novice to experienced so finding a group of ladies that fit your game is a simple task. Online tee times utilizing Golf Genius software give you the ability to sign up weekly with your friends or use it as a way to meet new ones!
Our Monday League is designed to get beginner golfers on the course with no pressure on The Apple 9 Course. The league will utilize the official USGA GHIN handicap system. Weekly prizes for net scoring and closest to the pin will be awarded.
WHEN CAN I PLAY: Play on Monday morning on The Apple 9 from 9:10am to 9:40am or Monday afternoon on The Apple 9 from 5:10pm to 5:40pm with a pre arranged tee time. Green fees are collected each week. An additional charge is collected per player to ride in a golf cart or use a push cart.
DISCOUNT FOR TRADITIONAL LEAGUE MEMBERS: Are you a member of our traditional ladies league and want to take part in the Monday League as well? If so you are entitled to a small discount as you've already paid for your GHIN membership. Please email John Dipollina at and he will issue you a coupon code to lower the price if you choose.
LEAGUE BANQUET: The complimentary Ladies League Banquet for both the social division and competitive divisions will be held in mid-October.
Ladies Golf League - SOCIAL - Monday's Dates
Ladies Golf League - SOCIAL - Monday's
Monday April 28, 2025 and Monday September 29, 2025