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LPGA 101: Learn About Golf in One Day for Women (Compass Pointe GC)

Learn about golf in this very fun and easy introduction to the game class designed for people who have never played to those who would like a simple refresher. Enjoy an introduction and equipment discussion before heading out for putting, chipping and full swing skills before a working lunch followed by on-course experience! Loaner clubs available and lunch, range balls, training manual and more included in this one day program with LPGA / PGA Professional Nicole Weller and staff.

Precision Putting 1-Day School

This one-day three-hour school covers the four fundamentals to being a good putter by experiencing speed control drills, accuracy drills, pre-shot routine mental/emotional concepts and green reading, plus puttier fitting tips, a Putting Challenge and more. Come away with not just putting drills but effective transfer drills and a putting manual that will help your putting be successful not just at the practice green but also on the course where it counts!

Short Game Chip-Pitch-Sand Fundamentals School

Lower your scores from a little to a lot through this all-encompassing Short Game Chip-Pitch-Sand Fundamentals School over two days. Dive into technique, club selection concepts, wedge information, transfer practice (taking it from the practice facility onto the course) and more in chipping, pitching, bunker, hillside lies and wedge matrix/distance and fitting information.  Discover a very key method in finding where you can easily shave shots off your score!

LPGA 101 / Learn About Golf in a Day Grads Free Clinic

LPGA 101 graduates can join Coach Nicole Weller for a free tip clinic and fun practice challenge. Up to 12 students...

Putting League

Come join a Putting League series to help improve your putting with one-month of consistent tips, supervised practice and league putting matches! Want to get better at putting? Consistent practice and challenges will help, plus supervised tips by LPGA / PGA Teaching Professional Nicole Weller. Players will be flighted into similar groups based on ability level for fun matches. Students can have a sub take his/her spot during the series on a missed date.

Drop Your Score, Guaranteed! How to win from 50 yards and In

Learn the secret sauce to practicing with effective tools to measure improvement within 2 short game and 2 putting skills that will help towards lowering your score if practiced and utilized the right way. This fun and systematic program includes an initial baseline assessment using a unique short game and putting handicapping system, two practice sessions with supervised tips from Nicole Weller and a wrap-up assessment.... four sessions total.

SPECIAL ONE-DAY Short Game Chip-Pitch-Sand Fundamentals with Light Lunch

Lower your scores from a little to a lot through this all-encompassing Short Game Chip-Pitch-Sand Fundamentals School over just one day. Dive into technique, club selection concepts, wedge information, transfer practice (taking it from the practice facility onto the course) and more in chipping, pitching, bunker, hillside lies and wedge matrix/distance and fitting information.  Discover a very key method in finding where you can easily shave shots off your score!

Spring Launch Skill Clinics

Come practice under supervision and with a purpose! Clinics are great for developing golfers who have already taken an LPGA 101 or other introductory class and want to now practice and brush up for the Spring season, as well as those who just want a refresher. Newbies who haven't already take a class will be steered towards the 101 class, as this picks up on topics already learned. Students register for all 5 clinics and may have a sub take their spot for a missed session (transferrable).

Social League Free Demo Clinic - Swing, Rules, Pace, Etiquette

A free clinic to those enrolled on the current Social League roster to help prepare for play, rules, etiquette, pace of play and skills through demo clinics.

Social League Free Demo Clinic - Around the Green Shots, Putting, Rules, Pace, Etiquette Tips

A free clinic to those enrolled on the current Social League roster to help prepare for play, rules, etiquette, pace of play and skills through demo clinics.

Nicole's National LPGA Presentation: Successful Pre-Shot/Post-Shot Routine Keys

Nicole is presenting at the inaugural We Are the Women in Golf Summit for the national LPGA / LPGA Amateur organizations on May 19th in Daytona Beach. Join her as she arrives back to Compass Pointe for a repeat performance just for members and local area golfers on a very key topic for better golf: Pre-Shot and Post-Shot Routines. PowerPoint, Live Range Demonstration, Take-Home Resources.