Your card will only be on hold and not charged at this time. Transactions will be completed on site or charged if cancellation policy is not met.
Each simulator can have up to 6 players at one time. You may split the hourly fee amongst players on site if you would like.
*Please note, we have left and right hand club rentals available for an additional $5 per simulator, just let an employee know upon arrival. You may bring in your own personal clubs as well!*
**At this moment, if you are wanting to reserve both simulators, you have to create a separate booking for each. Book "Simulator 1" for your desired timeframe, after select "Simulator 2" and book that time frame as well.**
***If you are wanting to book a time between 12:00AM-2:00 AM, be sure to click on the next calendar day.***
Cancellation Policy:
A cancellation fee of 100% applies for cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance, or in case of a no-show.
No cancellation fee applies for cancellations made 24 or more hours in advance.